Gerry Weber Fashion Night

The Fash­ion Night of Ger­ry Weber, an annu­al Event at the Inn­side by Melía Hotel, Düs­sel­dorf, has been suc­cess­ful­ly designed & illu­mi­nat­ed by Hol­len­bergs Event man­age­ment team for years, being in charge of the com­plete and win­ning enter­tain­ment arrange­ments. Logos of Ger­ry Weber’s part­ner brands like Ahlers Group, Bugat­ti, Brax, Gardeur, Olymp and Sei­den­stick­er were pro­ject­ed onto the build­ings walls, guid­ing the par­tic­i­pants through a stun­ning night ambiance.

The Light Art Fash­ion Event is to date a suc­cess­ful top­ic, as Ms. Ange­li­ka Firn­rohr, Head of Visu­al Mar­ket­ing, states in her testimonial.

Hel­lo Mr. Hollenberg,

thanks to your amaz­ing per­for­mance the evening turned into a big suc­cess! We are already plan­ning sim­i­lar Fash­ion Light Art Events for the future and will cer­tain­ly come back to you for fur­ther cooperations.

Best regards, Ange­li­ka Firnrohr

Head of Visu­al Mar­ket­ing  Ger­ry Weber Inter­na­tion­al AG

Lightart Event Stefan Hollenberg Fashion Night Gerry Weber Düsseldorf