
Ste­fan Hollenberg
Trock­en­pützs­traße 47
D — 41472 Neuss | Düsseldorf
phone +49 2131 899 611
Int’l VAT-ID No. DE119455046

If not oth­er­wise marked, all images copy­right Ste­fan Hollenberg.

Respon­si­ble for the con­tents accord­ing to § 10 para­graph 3 MDStV:
Ste­fan Hol­len­berg (same address as above)

Web­site real­i­sa­tion: neu23 — Agency for Web­de­sign Dusseldorf

Prod­uct names, logos, brands, and oth­er trade­marks fea­tured or referred to with­in Hol­len­berg Light Art web­site are the prop­er­ty of their respec­tive trade­mark holders.

The con­tent of this site, along with it’s cor­re­spond­ing data, images, video, sounds, text and com­bi­na­tions there­of and soft­ware are pro­tect­ed by copy­right and oth­er rights. These rights are owned by Ste­fan Hol­len­berg and/or oth­ers. With­out pri­or writ­ten con­sent of Ste­fan Hol­len­berg it is not allowed to copy this site or any part thereof.

Photo Credits

File: Por­tixol  Author: Andrés Nieto Por­ras. The image was renamed and cir­cum­sized by neu23. License:  CC BY-SA 4.0