Light Art & Design for your Wedding


We design your dream wed­ding for your fam­i­ly & friends to become an unfor­get­table Event expe­ri­ence — for­ev­er ! We have been per­son­al­iz­ing wed­ding events with del­i­ca­cy and pas­sion for 30 years. Light Art instal­la­tions by Ste­fan Hol­len­berg absolute­ly enchant with an atmos­phere of light and art.

Dear Ste­fan,

thank you so much for all the beau­ti­ful Light Art you designed! What a fan­tas­tic tal­ent you have, I hope you are proud and that your work brings you great ful­fill­ment as you real­ly cre­ate won­ders. I can only imag­ine the artis­tic and tech­ni­cal chal­lenges and obvi­ous­ly there is a lot of work behind it all. Thank you for your effi­cien­cy, your impli­ca­tion and pas­sion, shin­ing through every one of your images. Thanks also to your tech­ni­cal staff who made your vision come to life. You rocked the place and put the cas­tle on the roof! The way you twist togeth­er real­i­ty and illu­sion is unique! You made us hap­py, and our wed­ding into a true cel­e­bra­tion and I’m already inspired for the next par­ty we will throw. Look­ing very for­ward to be work­ing with you again.

Kind regards, Vaea & Fred