Virtual Reality Conference

On the occa­sion of the Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty Con­fer­ence in Berlin’s event loca­tion Kühlhaus, Stefan’s Light Art instal­la­tion cre­at­ed a per­fect atmos­phere. The whole venue was dec­o­rat­ed by Hollenberg’s Event man­age­ment team with spe­cial trans­par­ent gauze material.

Artis­tic images and spon­sor logos were pro­ject­ed from both sides allow­ing spa­cious views and still cre­at­ing the illu­sion that the huge indus­tri­al loca­tion appeared in a whole new look pro­vid­ing the con­fer­ence with the appro­pri­ate flair.

For the evening con­fer­ence ‘Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty meets Arts & Music’, all sur­round­ing build­ings of the Kühlhaus were equal­ly inte­grat­ed, expand­ing through the inge­nious chang­ing Light Art instal­la­tion into a com­plete work of art.

Organ­is­er Bolela Lika­fu of Erster Deutsch­er Fachver­band for Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty EDFVR

Unbe­liev­able, what Ste­fan Hollenberg’s Light Art and his Event­man­age­ment Team have achieved. The conference’s par­tic­i­pants were tru­ly enthu­si­as­tic and the spon­sors more than hap­py. Espe­cial­ly KODAK expressed their desire to repeat this kind of Light Art Events in the future.