Fantastic art-work light

Since 1989, Ste­fan Hol­len­berg has spe­cial­ized in trans­form­ing spaces with par­tic­u­lar sur­round­ings into whole new artis­tic sce­nar­ios. His cus­tom-made hand­craft­ed images that are pro­ject­ed are espe­cial­ly remark­able for their enor­mous depth and sharpness.

Out­stand­ing tem­po­rary art per­for­mances have been designed for Art Cologne Pal­ma de Mal­lor­ca, at the KIT Düs­sel­dorf, at the Muse­um Kun­st­palast and at many inter­na­tion­al gallery openings.

Hollenberg’s Light Art pro­jec­tions can be enjoyed at spe­cial cul­tur­al Events as the Nit de l’Art in Mal­lor­ca, muse­um exhibits, in dis­tin­guished clubs and at a vari­ety of art festivals.