The King’s Palace La Mamou­nia is known as one of the Lead­ing Hotels of the World. Hollenberg’s Light Art Design and light shows for an exclu­sive pri­vate Event at this priv­i­leged loca­tion con­vinced to be a fas­ci­nat­ing expe­ri­ence for the guests. Our Light Art images con­sist­ed of hand-made ori­en­tal motives and based on Route 66, which was the main theme of this spe­cial birth­day Event.

There were 1001 adven­tures until all the pro­jec­tors got through Moroc­can cus­toms, but we had orga­nized it well and in the end, two unique per­fect­ly illu­mi­nat­ed evenings were put into action to impress the guests, who will remem­ber and trea­sure them for a long time.

Marrakech Palast Hotel Event

The King’s Palace La Mamou­nia is known as one of the Lead­ing Hotels of the World.

Hollenberg’s Light Art Design and light shows for an exclu­sive pri­vate Event at this priv­i­leged loca­tion con­vinced to be a fas­ci­nat­ing expe­ri­ence for the guests. Our Light Art images con­sist­ed of hand-made ori­en­tal motives and based on Route 66, which was the main theme of this spe­cial birth­day Event.

There were 1001 adven­tures until all the pro­jec­tors got through Moroc­can cus­toms, but we had orga­nized it well and in the end, two unique per­fect­ly illu­mi­nat­ed evenings were put into action to impress the guests, who will remem­ber and trea­sure them for a long time.

Light Art in London

For the inter­na­tion­al YPO MICE Con­gress, Hol­len­berg cre­at­ed an extra­or­di­nary unique ambiance with his Light Art Illu­mi­na­tion. The theme Par­ty idea Alice in won­der­land at the ONE MARYLEBONE Event church in the heart of Lon­don enchant­ed guests with Stefan’s cre­ative art­work projections …

Light Art in London

For the inter­na­tion­al YPO MICE Con­gress, Hol­len­berg cre­at­ed an extra­or­di­nary unique ambiance with his Light Art Illu­mi­na­tion. The theme Par­ty idea Alice in won­der­land at the ONE MARYLEBONE Event church in the heart of Lon­don enchant­ed guests with Stefan’s cre­ative art­work projections …


Hollenberg’s Event man­age­ment team accom­plish­es the great­est ideas for mar­riage pro­pos­als and excep­tion­al theme wed­dings with Light Art in the most beau­ti­ful set­tings in Ibiza, Pal­ma de Mal­lor­ca, Barcelona, Rome, Lis­bon & surroundings!

Hollenberg’s Event man­age­ment team accom­plish­es the great­est ideas for mar­riage pro­pos­als and excep­tion­al theme wed­dings with Light Art in the most beau­ti­ful set­tings in Ibiza, Pal­ma de Mal­lor­ca, Barcelona, Rome, Lis­bon & surroundings!

Cap Rocat Light Art Performance

Ste­fan Hol­len­berg and Cap Rocat are pas­sion­ate­ly con­nect­ed! He was the first and only to be entrust­ed with the incred­i­ble Light Art stag­ing at the 5‑star hotel and its sur­round­ings. The patio, the tra­di­tion­al Mal­lor­ca wed­ding chapel, palm trees, stones and of course the wed­ding cake & the gala din­ner were enlight­ened by Hollenberg’s Art illumination!

With­out any use of stan­dard spot­lights, Hollenberg’s unique Light Art tech­nique alone achieves that build­ings and every sur­face seem sophis­ti­cat­ed­ly paint­ed by an artist.

Ste­fan Hol­len­berg and Cap Rocat are pas­sion­ate­ly con­nect­ed! He was the first and only to be entrust­ed with the incred­i­ble Light Art stag­ing at the 5‑star hotel and its sur­round­ings. The patio, the tra­di­tion­al Mal­lor­ca wed­ding chapel, palm trees, stones and of course the wed­ding cake & the gala din­ner were enlight­ened by Hollenberg’s Art illumination!

With­out any use of stan­dard spot­lights, Hollenberg’s unique Light Art tech­nique alone achieves that build­ings and every sur­face seem sophis­ti­cat­ed­ly paint­ed by an artist.

Virtual Reality Conference

Light Art Event archi­tect Ste­fan Hol­len­berg assem­bled the Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty trade show & Kodak Cor­po­rate Event togeth­er with his dec­o­ra­tion crew & Event­mar­ket­ing-man­age­ment team, con­struct­ing the per­fect frame for this fair in Berlin. The entire sur­round­ing instal­la­tions on every lev­el rep­re­sent­ed a high­light in pro­jec­tion day and night …

Virtual Reality Conference

Light Art Event archi­tect Ste­fan Hol­len­berg assem­bled the Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty trade show & Kodak Cor­po­rate Event togeth­er with his dec­o­ra­tion crew & Event­mar­ket­ing-man­age­ment team, con­struct­ing the per­fect frame for this fair in Berlin. The entire sur­round­ing instal­la­tions on every lev­el rep­re­sent­ed a high­light in pro­jec­tion day and night …

Pro­mot­er Bolela Lika­fu (Erster Deutschen Fachver­band für Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty) mentioned:
“Incred­i­ble, what Ste­fan Hol­len­berg and his Event­mar­ket­ing-man­age­ment team have achieved. The par­tic­i­pants of the con­gress were tru­ly enthu­si­as­tic and the spon­sors just delight­ed. KODAK in par­tic­u­lar has expressed to want to repeat a Light Art pro­duc­tion for a future Event.”

Light Art Your Wedding

Ste­fan Hol­len­berg stages the most won­der­ful dream worlds for mar­riage pro­pos­als and theme wed­dings. He uses cre­ative Light Art images to tell deeply mov­ing love- and life sto­ries, tai­lored to the cou­ples spe­cial bond, so that this day will remain in their hearts as the best moment of their life.

Light Art Your Wedding

Ste­fan Hol­len­berg stages the most won­der­ful dream worlds for mar­riage pro­pos­als and theme wed­dings. He uses cre­ative Light Art images to tell deeply mov­ing love- and life sto­ries, tai­lored to the cou­ples spe­cial bond, so that this day will remain in their hearts as the best moment of their life.

Club, Private & Corporate Events

Our instal­la­tions and cre­ations have been dec­o­rat­ing unique events all over Europe for more than 30 years. Artis­tic light­ings and pro­jec­tions, with an immense depth of field, cre­ate mem­o­rable moments for the spec­ta­tor. We per­formed at the PACHA on Ibiza and Mal­lor­ca every evening with a per­ma­nent instal­la­tion as a high­light and pre­sent­ed the spon­sors in the most superb man­ner. Like­wise clubs and com­pa­ny cel­e­bra­tions in Germany …

Our instal­la­tions and cre­ations have been dec­o­rat­ing unique events all over Europe for more than 30 years. Artis­tic light­ings and pro­jec­tions, with an immense depth of field, cre­ate mem­o­rable moments for the spec­ta­tor. We per­formed at the PACHA on Ibiza and Mal­lor­ca every evening with a per­ma­nent instal­la­tion as a high­light and pre­sent­ed the spon­sors in the most superb man­ner. Like­wise clubs and com­pa­ny cel­e­bra­tions in Germany …


Balearic Insid­er Ste­fan Hol­len­berg cre­ates the best Light Art Din­ner & Beach Events around Lis­bon, Ibiza, Barcelona & Majorca

Balearic Insid­er Ste­fan Hol­len­berg cre­ates the best Light Art Din­ner & Beach Events around Lis­bon, Ibiza, Barcelona & Majorca


Cor­po­rate events are arranged world­wide by Light design­er Ste­fan Hol­len­berg with mag­ic pro­jec­tions. The INSELRADIO Mal­lor­ca WESCO sum­mer fes­ti­val has been designed by the Event­mar­ket­ing-Man­age­ment

Cor­po­rate events are arranged world­wide by Light design­er Ste­fan Hol­len­berg with mag­ic pro­jec­tions. The INSELRADIO Mal­lor­ca WESCO sum­mer fes­ti­val has been designed by the Event­mar­ket­ing-Man­age­ment

Deutsche Bank

For the Deutsche Bank annu­al gen­er­al Meet­ing, we cre­at­ed a spe­cial feel-good atmos­phere around Are­al Böh­ler Event sites Düs­sel­dorf. Hollenberg’s Light Design and pro­jec­tions for this great Event ensured an excel­lent par­ty ambiance with Light Art WOW-effect …

Deutsche Bank

For the Deutsche Bank annu­al gen­er­al Meet­ing, we cre­at­ed a spe­cial feel-good atmos­phere around Are­al Böh­ler Event sites Düs­sel­dorf. Hollenberg’s Light Design and pro­jec­tions for this great Event ensured an excel­lent par­ty ambiance with Light Art WOW-effect …

For over 30 years, Ste­fan has been design­ing cre­ative Side Events, asso­ci­at­ed with the Messe Dues­sel­dorf fair. Hol­len­berg Light Art illu­mi­na­tions suc­ceed by com­pos­ing a per­fect sym­bio­sis with a pleas­ing WOW-effect. His per­for­mances­for GERRY WEBER Fash­ion Nights and fash­ion part­ners BRAX — OLYMP — GARDEUR — sei­den­stick­er and the Adlers group and EUROPEAN BRAND Bugat­ti in Düs­sel­dorf, became a Fash­ion Event high­light. The Hol­len­berg Light Art pro­jec­tions on build­ings were the effec­tive guides to the inter­na­tion­al fash­ion Events.

Gerry Weber Fashion Night

For over 30 years, Ste­fan has been design­ing cre­ative Side Events, asso­ci­at­ed with the Messe Dues­sel­dorf fair. Hol­len­berg Light Art illu­mi­na­tions suc­ceed by com­pos­ing a per­fect sym­bio­sis with a pleas­ing WOW-effect. His per­for­mances­for GERRY WEBER Fash­ion Nights and fash­ion part­ners BRAX — OLYMP — GARDEUR — sei­den­stick­er and the Adlers group and EUROPEAN BRAND Bugat­ti in Düs­sel­dorf, became a Fash­ion Event high­light. The Hol­len­berg Light Art pro­jec­tions on build­ings were the effec­tive guides to the inter­na­tion­al fash­ion Events.