We stage roman­tic mar­riage pro­pos­als and ful­fill every wish for dream wed­dings with our Light Design & Light Art instal­la­tions, com­pos­ing wed­ding cel­e­bra­tions with top­ics such as a “Flower Pow­er Wel­come Par­ty” at an Mal­lor­ca Event fin­ca, or “THE BOX” – Bur­lesque The­ater from New York – at CASTELL SON CLARET. After the wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny and a gala din­ner, the loca­tion will be trans­formed by Ste­fan Hol­len­berg and his cre­ative team into an atmos­pher­ic dream world with alter­nat­ing pro­jec­tions, where all cel­e­brat­ing the covenant of love with the mag­ic of light.